When you fall behind on paying back debt, debt collectors may contact you, urging you to pay the money owed to some creditor. While debt collectors are permitted to contact you about the debt in question, there are some very specific things that these debt collectors can NOT do when trying to discuss an outstanding debt payment.
In fact, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) specifically protects you the consumer from various abusive and deceptive actions that debt collectors may try to take in an effort to compel you to repay an outstanding debt. While the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act has been in place since 1977, it has been amended multiple times since then to try to increase the protections offered to consumers.
In this blog series, we will highlight some of the specific rights that you and any borrower have under the terms of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. Knowing these rights, as well as what you should do when these rights have been violated by abusive debt collectors, can help you protect yourself. In the event that your debt – not debt collectors – is the real issue you are facing, contact Denver Bankruptcy Lawyer Arthur Lindquist-Kleissler to learn more about your options for real debt relief.
General Facts about the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act
Before we delve into a discussion of your rights under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, it’s first important to highlight some general facts about this law to inform the upcoming discussion. Here’s what you should know:
- The rights stipulated by the FDCPA are intended to cover individuals and households, not businesses or corporate entities.
- Debt collectors, as described in the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, include third parties that are collecting a debt on behalf of a creditor. Specifically, this may include attorneys, debt collection agencies and other third parties.
- Although creditors themselves are not specifically covered by the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, various states have laws in place to regulate creditors and prevent them from using abusive debt collection practices.
We will dive into a discussion regarding your specific rights, according to the FDCPA, in the second and third parts of this blog series that will be posted soon – be sure to look for them!
Denver Bankruptcy Lawyer at Lindquist-Kleissler & Company, LLC
If overwhelming debt is putting you in a serious financial crisis, Denver Bankruptcy Lawyer Arthur Lindquist-Kleissler is here for you, ready to help you figure out your best options for resolving your financial issues.
For a free 30-minute consult and more info about how we can help you, contact us by calling (303) 691-9774, or email us using the contact form on this page. You will pay nothing up front to obtain trusted, professional advice regarding your case and your options.
From our office in Denver, Arthur Lindquist-Kleissler represents clients throughout the Great Denver Metropolitan area and Colorado, including (but not limited to) Aurora and Arapahoe County.